Ashdown announced this year at NAMM that they would be teaming with Dan Lakin (Lakland) to build some basses. I've been researching a bit and they look a bit pricey for Korean basses by traditional standards, but lately it seems that's the trend (Dingwall, etc.), so maybe it's about right? These basses are apparently made by the same company that makes Reverend and a few other brands. way, I think these look great, and the videos I've seen of them sound great. With all the discussion on the HH config, and my need (okay, want) for a Thunderbird, I think I may need (okay, want) the "Low Rider" to happen.
I emailed back and forth with Mark at Ashdown, and he will make a lefty version for a 5% upcharge. I know, it sucks, but it's only 5% and may be worth it to scratch the HH/T-bird itch.
Thought I'd share in case anyone else is interested. Maybe we can make him a collective offer for 10 basses?