I will say it and accept the backlash: I like what he did with the tuning keys. That is without seeing it up close, of course. For all I know, he ground them down so sharp that you will slice your fingers open every time you go to tune it.
While that is definitely Metal, and this is indeed a Metal bass, I don’t think I am “that” Metal. Personally, I have never liked the flowery/clover tuning keys. I will definitely not be modifying the keys of my Ricks, though.
As for the headstock, it looks like he did a pretty good job matching the color. Again, it’s hard to get an idea of the quality of work without an up-close inspection.
I am surprised he didn’t do more to match the color of the pickguard screw holes. Honestly, I thought he just left the screws in when I first looked. It wasn’t until I saw Carmine’s comment that I realized he put some sort of filler in it.
All in all, nothing he did would make me think the quality, feel or sound of the instrument has been compromised, so it might be a budget-friendly way to get one of these. If I recall, they weren’t terribly expensive new, but seem to have gone up in value as of late. If Carmine is correct and this is an abandoned project, he might take a pretty good hit to the wallet just to be rid of it. I have definitely been in that position, before.
Gilmourisgod wrote:
I never really "got" what a Rick is capable of until I ran it stereo a few times in my college band. We used to call it the "Piano of Doom". You get all the bottom and all the top in total a**kicking mode.