Here's an interesting one. From what I could gather, Yerby guitars are custom hand made by Gary Yerby in Nashville. The Music Go Round listing is skimpy on photos and details, and for some reason when you click on the listing you don't get the full length photo, so I did a screen capture of it. I'm also posting a recent righty listing that was on Reverb so you can see it in further detail, though the lefty appears to be short scale? At $299.99, this might be a low risk/high reward pick up? I like his builds:
Screen Shot 2021-03-23 at 9.04.22 AM.png [ 146.6 KiB | Viewed 2194 times ]'s a link to the builders YouTube channel showing off hi other builds. Admittedly, he' not much of a bass player, but his designs are attractive: