OK gentlemen I must beg to differ...let me add some balance to the proceedings
... I'm rather fond of my 2 MTDs. When I got my original black Kingston 4 it was immediately one of the most absolutely comfortable and enjoyable basses from a neck feel / action / playability standpoint I've ever owned. The original passive electronics have since been replaced with Bartolini active, and the bridge to a string thru, and this bass flat out rips. There's still certain (especially fast/ jazzy/ funky/ thumb) stuff that's easier to play on this than just about anything else I own. I gotta do something about that pickguard though- maybe black pearl, or clear...
My Kingston Z5 I am a somewhat less fond of primarily because I've never really made the commitment to become a proficient 5 string player- I wouldn't say the preamp is it's strong suit by any means, but I'm not having any major issues with finding a good tone, and I love the string spacing and balance.
I would agree the MTDs are over-priced by 30-35% at retail, but when the price is right I'm guessing there's a few other people out there besides me who like these basses (and if not- hey that's fine too)......
UPDATE: Thanks for the heads up Addison-- Just moments ago I grabbed this Transparent Cherry Heir 4 string on that same Amazon direct deal for $455.69 w/ free shipping. There was only 2 still available when I saw it (I bought one and the last one went 2 minutes later). You can still see it listed if you do a Google Shopping Results search for "MTD Kingston Heir Bass 4 left" but when you click on it Amazon direct is now sold out and the lowest available seller price on Amazon is $889.00. If anyone has any right handed friends that are interested there are still some righties available at that sale price. Everything Lefty is back at full price except the Kingston Z5 Fretless with Lines that Addison mentioned (3 left at $692.67) ...
...and the Kingston Artist 5 (2 left at $400.42)...
http://www.amazon.com/MTD-Kingston-Arti ... 705&sr=8-4