
Set of PJ Pickups that Sound Decent
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Author:  donahue [ February 19th, 2018, 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Set of PJ Pickups that Sound Decent

Hi Ya'll, I'm looking for a set of PJ pickups that sound decent but are priced fairly low. Stock take-offs are fine. SX PJ take-off set has me interested also.


Author:  ezstep [ February 23rd, 2018, 6:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Set of PJ Pickups that Sound Decent

I had a custom Knuckle made a few years ago, passive, bolt-on, lefty 5-er, with Nordie PJ's. I don't know the exact model (if they make more than one - dunno). Skip recommended them, so I agreed and have never regretted it.

Author:  donahue [ February 28th, 2018, 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Set of PJ Pickups that Sound Decent

I"m thinking about trying the stewmac golden age pj set. They seem like nice pickups. All the specs are there and wound a little hot. They are for an Ibanez SR800 that I'm going to be selling soon. I had an Alembic PJ set in there but pulled them as I figured I'd never get the proper $ out of that bass with those pups in there.
I tried a set of squier vintage modified jaguar pj pups because I heard great things about them for the money but the Jazz casing/design was too large to fit the Ibby route. I refuse to sell a bass that doesn't sound great AND play great but also do not want to throw $200 worth of pups into a bass that will bring $400 on a good day.

Author:  NoXX [ February 28th, 2018, 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Set of PJ Pickups that Sound Decent

If you wanted to try other Fender Pups, a good deal can often be found at Angela Instruments:


Or Stratosphere;

https://stratosphereparts.com/search.ph ... ss+pickups

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