
Old P-Bass`
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Author:  bbl [ August 10th, 2008, 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  Old P-Bass`

Any old lefty P-Bass, but especially one that's been refinished. Thanks.

Author:  Lefty007 [ August 10th, 2008, 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old P-Bass`

bbl wrote:
Any old lefty P-Bass, but especially one that's been refinished. Thanks.

Define "old". . . '60s or '70s?

This one has been there for awhile and it looks decent. The price is not outrageous, and the owner told me it weighs 9.5 lbs.

http://www.williesguitars.com/index.cfm ... rodID=1572

Check eBay often. I would say I see at least 5 '70s lefty P-bass a year - not much, but not rare either.

Author:  bbl [ August 13th, 2008, 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Old P-Bass`

Lefty007 wrote:
bbl wrote:
Any old lefty P-Bass, but especially one that's been refinished. Thanks.

Define "old". . . '60s or '70s?

This one has been there for awhile and it looks decent. The price is not outrageous, and the owner told me it weighs 9.5 lbs.

http://www.williesguitars.com/index.cfm ... rodID=1572

Check eBay often. I would say I see at least 5 '70s lefty P-bass a year - not much, but not rare either.

Thanks! I've never seen this site (Willie's) before.

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