
Black lefty P bass body?
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Author:  tomdbass [ January 25th, 2011, 12:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Black lefty P bass body?

Looking to buy a black lefty P bass body for a 77 P bass neck that I have. Don't mind if it's not a Fender but it needs to be the same specs to accomodate the neck, pickguard, bridge..etc. Just no plywood bodies please!

Author:  slybass3000 [ January 30th, 2011, 9:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Black lefty P bass body?

I did the same thing with a 75 P-bass neck that i had.

I bought the body from stratosphere if I remember and a great pick-guard grey tortoise from an internet store in Winnipeg.

Do a search on ebay for lefty or left-handed parts. It is what I did. It became a real kick-ass bass and great looking bass also.

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