
MIM Jazz Bass
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Author:  Matt R. [ February 10th, 2021, 4:53 pm ]
Post subject:  MIM Jazz Bass

Hey guys. So I just bought an older used MIM Jazz from guitar center, but it arrived with a twisted neck, so I’m sending it back. It was $350 plus shipping.

I am trying to see if anyone here has one they would like to sell. I’d like to keep the price similar to what I paid for this one. I paid $390 and change all in, so I’d like to keep it around 400 shipped give or take, if possible.

Color isn’t too important, but it must have a true neck and a well functioning truss rod.

Anyway, let me know what ya got!

Author:  Matt R. [ February 11th, 2021, 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MIM Jazz Bass

A tall order I know. But I got it covered

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