Thanks for the information and suggestions, guys! Do you think my quest is worth the effort, or do you think I would be just as happy with something like a Markbass 102P?
Addison wrote:
So, you want a 2x10 AND a 1x12, or are you looking at one or the other? Just curious.
I know Marc Vanderkley... if you're serious about getting a cab, I can reach out to him for you.
If he's not willing to sell direct, he could probably tell me if he knows anyone in the states that has store stock, or he might even have a lead on a used cab.
Let me know and I'll help how I can.
Wow, I really appreciate that, man! I didn't know Vanderkley is a boutique brand of cabinet. I just heard a clip that had a sound I like. I guess I would just start out with the 2x10. I am not in a band, so I don't think having a 2x10
and a 1x12 would do me any good, do you? If I ever do join a band, maybe I will add a 1x12 for some extra oomph.
tim wrote:
But if you're really serious, I would just call up the guys at SpeakerHardware and go through the options with them.!
I may do that!
Gilmourisgod wrote:
I never really "got" what a Rick is capable of until I ran it stereo a few times in my college band. We used to call it the "Piano of Doom". You get all the bottom and all the top in total a**kicking mode.