
Free Jazz Bass Pick Ups
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Author:  bobjones2260 [ December 2nd, 2020, 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Free Jazz Bass Pick Ups


As I am still playing and happy with my 5 main basses, I have a few extra parts that I would like to see go to a good home. So if you are in the US and have a need for Jazz Pick Ups I will give them too you and only ask you pay for shipping (Pay Pal or Vennmo).

I am giving these away as I have no idea what they are outside of Jazz Bass Pick Ups. They could be Made in Mexico, US, could be Fender or another brand. I just don't know so I do not want to sell them with no info.

So if your in the US and want them first one to PM me with your shipping address I will ship them too. After I ship them I can advise what my shipping costs were. I am located right outside of Philly.


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