
E-bow work for leftys?
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Author:  pcb444 [ August 3rd, 2017, 3:36 am ]
Post subject:  E-bow work for leftys?

Hey guys,

Wanting an e-bow...
But can't witness them in any stores near me, only order online.
Anyone know if they work for leftys? Was thinking possibly not depending on how you hold it, etc. :?:
Hoping to give one a go on bass and guitar!

Author:  Stingray5 [ August 4th, 2017, 7:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: E-bow work for leftys?

Hey there!

Yes, an e-bow can be used on either righty or lefty guitars/basses. In fact if you look at their site in the Pics section:


scroll down to User Pictures and you'll see a shot of a lefty guitarist using one.

Author:  pjmuck [ August 4th, 2017, 2:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: E-bow work for leftys?

Well what do ya know? Here's a lefty bassist using an ebow. Sounds pretty awesome:


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